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C Programming
- Control flow-based C Programs
- Enjoy Conditional Programming in C using If...else and switch statement.
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- Write a C program to display Your Name, Address and City in different lines.
- C program to find sum of n numbers
- Write a C program For Addition of two numbers using Function.
- Write a Program to Find Simple Interest and Compound Interest.
- Write a Program to Convert Celsius To Fahrenheit and Vice Versa.
- Write a Program to Find Area and Perimeter of Circle, Triangle, Rectangle and Square.
- Write a Program to Swap Two Numbers Using Temporary Variables and Without Using Temporary Variables
- Write a C Program to Design a Simple Menu Driven Calculator
- Simple Expression Based C Programs
- 7. Components of C language
- 1. Introduction to C Programming Language
- 10. Operator Precedence and Associativity
- 11. Comments in C Programming
- 14. Fundamental Control Structure Statements in C [Part-1]
- 15. Fundamental Control Structure Statements in C [Part-2]
- 16. Looping Statements [Fundamental Control Structure Statements in C. #Part-3]
- 17. Keyword break, continue, return and exit [Fundamental Control Structure Statements in C. #Part-4]
- 2. Computer Languages
- 3. Interpreters vs Compilers vs Assemblers in programming languages
- 4. C Program Structure
- 5. Compile and Execute C Program
- 6. Errors in C Program
- 8. C Datatypes
- 9. Operators in C
- Control flow-based C Programs
- Demystifying Bit Masking: Unlocking the Power of Bitwise Operators in C-Language with best Examples.
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Enjoy Conditional Programming in C using If…else and switch statement.
Updated14 March 2024
ByMilind Bhatt
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1.Write a program to find that given number is odd even (using if… else statement)
The steps to create a program to find whether a given number is odd or even using if…else statement:
- Start by including the necessary header file for input/output operations in C, which is
. - Define the main function.
- Declare a variable to store the input number, for example,
int num;
. - Ask the user to input a number using
functions. - Use an
statement to check if the number is even. This can be done by checking if the remainder of the number divided by 2 is equal to 0, i.e.,if (numb % 2 == 0)
. If this condition is true, useprintf
to display that the number is even. - If the condition in step 5 is false, use an
statement to display that the number is odd. - End the main function and the program.
Type the following code in your IDE (preferably Dev C++)
// ODD EEVEN using if...else statement
int main()
int num;
printf("Enter a positive integer: ");
scanf("%d", &num);
if(num%2 == 0)
printf("%d is EVEN.", num);
printf("%d is ODD.", num);
return 0;
2. Write a program to find that given number is odd even (using switch statement)
The steps to create a program to find whether a given number is odd or even using switch statement:
- Start by including the necessary header file for input/output operations in C, which is
. - Define the main function.
- Declare a variable to store the input number and remainder, for example,
int num, rem;
. - Ask the user to input a number using
functions. - compute
num % 2and store the result on variablerem
. - Use a switch statement to get the value of remainder. The possible remainder values are either 1 (i.e num is odd) or 0 (i.e num is even). Here we have used1undercase value:(useprintf()statement to print ODD) and zero (0) underdefault:(useprintf()statement to print EVEN) part of theswitch statement.
- End the main function and the program.
Type the following code in your IDE (preferablyDev C++)
// ODD EEVEN using switch statement
int main()
int num, rem;
printf("Enter positive integer: ");
scanf("%d", &num);
rem = num%2;
case 1: printf("%d is ODD.", num);
default: printf("%d is EVEN.", num);
return 0;
3. Write a program to find that given number is odd even (using conditional operator. i.e. ?:;)
The steps to create a program to find whether a given number is odd or even using conditional operator-based statement:
- Start by including the necessary header file for input/output operations in C, which is
. - Define the main function.
- Declare a variable to store the input number and result, for example,
int num, res;
- Ask the user to input a number using
functions. - Use an?:;statement to check remainder as(num%2)and if remainder is 0 then print even otherwise print odd.
- End the main function and the program.
// ODD EEVEN using conditional operator
int main()
int num, res;
printf("Enter positive integer: ");
scanf("%d", &num);
res = (num%2)==0 ? printf("%d is EVEN.", num) : printf("%d is ODD.", num);
return 0;
4. Write a C program to check leap year.
The steps to create a program to find whether a given year is leap year or not using if…else statement:
- Start by including the necessary header file for input/output operations in C, which is
. - Define the main function.
- Declare a variable to store the input year, for example,
int year;
- Ask the user to input a year using
functions. - A leap year is a year which is either fully divisible by 400 or the year is fully divisible by 4 but not by 100. So, we jointly compute these two conditions with logical OR operation.
- if the result of any part of if condition is true then print the given year is leap otherwise print the given year is not a leap year.
- End the main function and the program.
#include <stdio.h>
int main() {
int year;
//year = 1904;
printf("\n Enter the year :");
scanf("%d", &year);
if (((year % 4 == 0) && (year % 100!= 0)) || (year%400 == 0))
printf("A %d is a leap year", year);
printf("A %d is not a leap year", year);
return 0;
5. Write a c program to create calculator using switch statement.
The steps to create a calculator is as under-
- Start by including the necessary header file for input/output operations in C, which is
. - Define the main function.
- Declare int variables (say and b) to store the values.
- Also declare one more variable as char opr to read user choice of operation.
- Read the values for a and b.
- Use printf () statement to give options for the available calculator operations.
- Then read the choice of operation on opr using getch() function.
- Use switch(opr) statement to select appropriate options as ‘+’, ‘-‘, ‘/’, ‘*’ for addition, subtraction, division, and multiplication operations.
- Add default: statement printing wrong input message.
- close the switch statement.
- End the main function.
// program to create calculator using SWITCH statement
void main()
{int a,b;
char opr;
printf("\n Enter two numbers \n");
printf("\n Press:\n + for addition\n - for substraction\n * for multiplication\n / for divide operation");
{ case '+':
printf("\n addition of %d and %d = %d",a,b, a+b); break;
case '-':
printf("\n substraction of %d and %d = %d",a,b,a-b);break;
case '*':
printf("\n multiplication of %d and %d = %d",a,b, a*b);break;
case '/':
printf("\n divide of %d and %d = %d",a,b, a/b);break;
printf("\n wrong operator");
}// end switch
}// end main
Nice 🥳